Professional Indemnity & Management Risks Professional Indemnity
Essential cover for professionals as well as anyone providing advice for a fee. We have access to a wide number of insurers that work in this class of insurance.
Management Liability
Management Liability insurance cover is critical to every business’s effective and functioning risk management strategy. It provides cover for a company director’s personal liability, fines and penalties; employment practices claims and theft from the company by employees or third parties.
Cyber Crime and Cyber Privacy
The information age allows us to collect and store more data and extract information around the globe 24/7. Existing insurance policies may be inadequate to respond to today’s exposures. Is your company prepared for:
Identity theft resulting from lost or stolen financial information of customers, credit card numbers, tax file numbers or other confidential information?
A cyber extortion threat?
An e-business interruption, resulting from a security failure or internet virus?
Costs related to a privacy breach notification of clients private details?
Associations and Not-For-Profit Organisations
Association Liability Insurance is essential insurance for not-for-profit incorporated bodies. This insurance provides cover for the office bearers and employees against personal liability for breaches of their duties as well as the organisation’s liability for wrongful acts.
We are also able to arrange cover with specialist insurers providing package style policies specifically designed for this type of organisation.